With the current US Supreme Court, the world of campaign finance has become a deeper shade of gray.
While progressives rail and rally against such decisions as Citizens United, Speech Now, McCutcheon and (in Ohio) Right to Life v. OEC, the reality of now is that for progressive causes and candidates to compete we have to adapt and adopt the real-time tactics of the conservative right and Tea Party.
I'm glad to see the DSCC take up the gauntlet and do what is right to preserve the Senate in 2014.
“ Democrats in key states like Arkansas, Iowa and Louisiana are being outspent on the TV airwaves by “the Kochs and their friends,” referring to the conservative billionaires David and Charles Koch, whose political network reportedly plans to spend $290 million ahead of the November election.
“To fight back, we’ve launched an unprecedented midterm field program: The Grassroots Victory Project!” the DSCC website continues.
In addition to the DSCC, the Grassroots Victory Project 2014 committee includes 11 state and local party committees in battleground states:
Democratic State Central Committee of Louisiana
Iowa Democratic Party
Democratic Party of Arkansas
Colorado Democratic Party
North Carolina’s Wake County Democratic Party Federal Campaign Committee
Michigan Democratic State Central Committee
Georgia Federal Election Committee
Alaska Democratic Party
New Hampshire Democratic Party
Kentucky State Democratic Central Executive Committee
West Virginia State Democratic Executive Committee
Fourteen Democratic Senate candidates will also benefit:
Sen. Mark Begich of Alaska
Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota
Sen. Kay Hagan of North Carolina
Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana
Sen. Jeff Merkley of Oregon
Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire
Sen. Mark Udall of Colorado
Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia
Rep. Bruce Braley of Iowa
Rep. Gary Peters of Michigan
Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes
West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie Tennant
Michelle Nunn of Georgia”
If you or your organization would like to engage in your own similar fight, contact us at RCo. We've worked with (and are working with organizations adopting such new fundraising and expenditure strategies).
You can read the whole article here.
Jeffrey Ruppert