Hate checks? We do too. Now you can pay RCo. by #cashtag


@Square is constantly innovating, and we here at RCo. like to do the same.

RCo. uses Square and implements all of Square's latest initiatives to allow RCo. to serve serve your legal / compliance needs while also ensuring that your experience with our firm is simple, easy, convenient and pleasant.

While paying a legal/compliance invoice does not rank high on most folk's list of pleasant experiences, RCo. wants to at least make it simple.

To that end, we have embraced payment by SquareCash #cashtag.  

Starting today, you can pay your RCo. invoice by simply visiting https://cash.me/$RUPPERT.  

Once there, enter the amount to be paid along with your debit card info.  That's it.  No muss. no Fuss.

Simple.  As painless as we can make it.

As always, let us know how we can make your experience with RCo. better.  We always want to improve for our clients.

J. Ruppert