At RCO we encourage social distancing to help our community. RCO will maximize working from home (WFH) with tech. RCO will work with clients to help them WFH. Even when personal contact is necessary for our clients and staff, we will use all appropriate safeguards. RCO knows not everyone can WFH (especially in election and advocacy season), but we will do our part to help our clients thrive while looking out for our neighbors. #CommonGood
RCO #Hustle
Political, business & non-profit legal counsel.
Compliance & operations professionals.
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Reality - most "overnight success" takes 15-20 years of work.
So keep climbing. And call us when you need some rope.
Prescription for #Success.
Contact us when it's for your business or organization to take that next step.
Fight Back & WIN with RCO!
The Ruppert Co., LLC empowers progressive organizations and candidates to fight back, effect change, and win.
Contact us today!
Context from TJ as we discuss our national and state budget priorities.
Using Simple Tech to Keep up on What is Happening With Trump and DC
Even if you read several papers and get breaking news alerts on your iPhone, it can be very difficult to keep track of what is really going on in DC beyond the headlines. This is especially true for low-profile, yet high-impact legislation and rule-making.
To assist in citizen efforts to keep plugged-in, the Sunlight Foundation/ProPublica has launched a service with IFTTT (which stands for IF This, Then That) that provides notice (through such services as email, SMS or Telegram) when some key things happen in Washington — for instance, when President Trump signs a bill into law, or when a bill is introduced that covers something you’re interested in.
IFTTT lets non-coders create small “applets” that connect web services and devices. The ProPublica applets are now part of ProPublica’s IFTTT channel (if link does not work, paste the following into your browser:
What can you do with them? Examples of the applets real-world power include some critical notice functions:
- When President Trump signs a bill into law.
- When a new bill is introduced that matches a search term you provide.
- The House or Senate schedules a bill for consideration.
- A new lawmaker representing you enters Congress.
In addition, you can set up applets to not only receive notice, but also to automatically post info about legislation on your Twitter account; create spreadsheets with bill and voting info; and to place events on your personal or work calendar.
It's simple.
Click on an applet card and link your services.
For those who lean left in their advocacy, IFTTT also has an Activism channel ( Here's a sample screenshot of available applets:
Activism Applets
It's powerful stuff for an informed citizenry.
Headline: Russian Hackers Said to Seek Hush Money From Liberal Groups. Solution: 2FA
Hey Democratic, Progressive, Indivisible and other liberal organizations and committees!
Here's a recent Bloomberg Headline: "Russian Hackers Said to Seek Hush Money From Liberal Groups." Here is the link to the story:
Russian hacking and interference didn't end with the 2016 Election.
First step in protecting yourself and your team? Immediate increased security for you most critical digital content using Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).
Sound difficult? It's not. Indeed, the TURN IT ON guide linked below shows you how to easily set 2FA up for your accounts - and also gives away free pizza.
RCo Launches to Assist Progressive Organizations
Jeff Ruppert and The Ruppert Co., LLC have launched
You can visit the site here: or
You can also interact with the team through Facebook and Twitter.'s goal is to assist and guide independent Indivisible groups as they lawfully create, organize and deploy under-utilized, but existing tools and organizations to ENGAGE VOTERS, WIN ELECTIONS, AND INFLUENCE POLICY.
Today saw the posting of the first two sets of educational materials (in an intended regular series):
- Presentation/slides that outline recent use of independent organizations (ex: 501(c)s and SuperPACs) as powerful tools for the development of policy and winning elections; and
- Quick reference chart outlining some of the DO's and DONT's for 501(c)s and SuperPACs.
Indivisible and other progressive activists are encouraged to contact Jeff to schedule training and consultations as they work to TURN ADVOCACY TO ACTION!
As always, Jeff and RCo's goal is to serve the political, advocacy and startup communities and help them THRIVE in challenging environments.
So much more to come.
RCo Guide to Moving Your Political or Policy Organization to "the Cloud."
If you are still managing your political or policy organization through your email inbox, you are doing it wrong.
Improved efficiency and productivity = WIN.
RCo can help you get there. Here is our guide to making these improvements with the cloud:
Tackle Your Regulatory & Compliance Challenges Head-On with RCo!
Handling Lame Duck Deplorables - A Primer on the Ohio Gov Veto Power
Given some of the truly deplorable legislation slipped into existing bills during this "Lame Duck" session of the Ohio Legislature, a lot of folks have asked me about the Governor's Veto Power / Veto Process.
Here is a brief primer based off my past as "Captain Veto" in the Strickland Administration:
You can also access the .pdf on the Client Portal page.
Forge your own path.
Contact us today.
Initial Thoughts Post-Election
The below is a re-post from my personal webpage ( titled My Post-Election Founder / TJ Mantra (11/19/2016):
In times of great national insecurity I, like many, often turn to the Founders words for guidance. I don't do this because the Founders were always right. And I certainly know that they could not foresee most of the evolution of our nation and its modern benefits and challenges. I look to the Founders because they thought, read and wrote both broadly and deeply. They used that knowledge to not only found a nation suitable for their present, but also one that could evolve and endure. They designed our new nation with an unsentimental eye towards to the foibles and limits of man; the resulting Republic has survived assault foreign and domestic.
Post-Election 2016, I have again spent some additional time with history, and came across this Jefferson quote. It has become a source of both comfort and resolve:
While the quote itself comes from one of the most controversial of Jefferson writings (the 1798 Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions), its sentiment is nevertheless sound. In the US, when facing challenging times or threats, we do not turn solely to hope or prayer, or even to powerful individuals, to save the day. Instead, we rely upon those processes and institutions - especially our own Constitution - as forged by the Founders and honed through 240+ years of experience to continue our Republic's sometimes erratic, but unrelenting, march toward greater and shared prosperity, equality, and justice.
Hold our leaders to their oaths to defend that Constitution, and this too shall pass.
RCo. is SO cool (snark intended)
Yep. The Ruppert Co., LLC. is cool with the kids - we now have an emoji-based web address for the truly mobile.
The emoji reflects our practice - policy/politics 🇺🇸; law/government 🏛; technology 🖥 or 💻; and putting clients first 🙂.
RCo.: Relationships Matter
Launching a startup, political campaign or advocacy drive?
RELATIONSHIPS MATTER when you choose your attorney and advisor.
Contact us today to begin.
JARuppert •
RCo.: Client + Community
At RCo., we are dedicated to building your business and improving our community.
Let us know how we can help.
Contact us today at
RCo.: Strategy + Execution = Success
As Henry Ford said, "Vision without execution is just hallucination."
The Rupprt Co., LLC can help you realize that dream that you just can't let go...
We execute. You win.
@TBDLaw Hackthon Quick Build - "Bot Law School"
My hackathon team built a "Bot Law School" in an hour late last night @TBDLaw.
It's designed for the non-coding attorney to build bots to answer legal questions through QnA markup and decision trees. Code/machine language coming later.
You can see the results of our quick test work here:
You can borrow or add to the Github repository here:
TBDLaw Attendance Confirmed!
What is TBDLaw?
Here's how it is described at
Not an Ordinary Conference
Far more than an Un-Conference, TBD Law is a unique mix of summit, retreat, design-thinking workshop and hackathon. Designed by LexThink founder Matt Homann, TBD Law is about collaboration, connection and creativity, not CLE.
Invitation Only
TBD Law is for a curated group of lawyers who've moved their practices past their peers'. If you've made the list, you're already ahead of the curve. TBD Law will help you stay there. If you think you're one of them, fill out the form below and we'll talk. .
By Innovators, For Innovators
Nobody wins in the race to be first to be second. At TBD Law, you'll build your future with lawyers who will push you out of your comfort zone instead of pushing you back towards the status quo.
I'm ready to immerse myself in a room with folks who are smarter than me; more talented; and see the future.
Maybe some of it will rub off...
Stay tuned.